Blue Diamond is a genuine trading company offering opportunities beyond simple buying and selling. As licensed, bonded professionals, we are your trusted partners in the liquidation of unwanted valuables. We make it easy for you to let go of the luxury merchandise that you no longer want while exchanging it for your latest needs and desires. Sell your broken, out-of-date jewelry or your sterling silver flatware for cash, or trade for a diamond upgrade or a like-new designer handbag. We offer a variety of ways for you to accomplish that.
Every day, we make aggressive cash offers for everything that falls within our wide range of expertise. We’re likely to see eye-to-eye with you, then do some paperwork and send you on your way with payment-in-full. But, in those instances when we just can't agree, or when you're ready to liquidate a major collection of rare and desirable merchandise, Blue Diamond takes it much further.
If we are unable to offer you the exact sum you need for your unwanted valuables, let's discuss the possibility of forming a short-term partnership by way of a written consignment agreement. We'll assume full responsibility for the merchandise that you leave in our care while we offer it to our vast network of local and international retail buyers, dealers and wholesalers, as well as the tens of thousands of repeat private buyers in our database of social media followers and past auction participants. Not all merchandise will be suited for consignment. Sometimes the merchandise won't be up to our standards, and sometimes the seller's expectations are simply too high for us to accept the assignment. So, we may make alternate suggestions, or we may be unable to help at all. But, after decades of buying and selling almost everything under the sun, when a customer asks us, "How does this work?", we respond with an open-minded, "How would you LIKE this to work?!?"
Our consignment agreement is complete and easy to understand. Whether we're dealing with a single item or so much merchandise that supplemental inventory sheets are required, we hate surprises just as much as you do! That's why we proudly present our licensing information from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (License #16643 and #16604) and our certification by the Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (Registration #214301). All of our agreements provide you with direct contact information for the applicable state agency that oversees our activities. If the deep experience of our team and accolades of our Google reviews aren't enough to instill confidence, rest assured that you always have a higher authority for appeal if you ever believe that something has somehow gone wrong.
From the moment you walk through our door, all the merchandise that you place in our care is insured by Jewelers Mutual, the largest insurer to our industry in the world. Any merchandise not covered by that policy is covered by our policy with The Hartford, another insurance powerhouse. In addition, consigned merchandise may have additional protection from our individual $300,000 bonds with the Recovery Fund administered by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. We've said it countless times that nobody in South Texas surpasses our credentials and accountability to our customers, and we have yet to be challenged by any of our competitors. You might even say that we don't have any actual competitors!
If you think that consignment might be right for you, let's talk about our mutual needs in order to find a way to make our trade possible. We tell you right up front that the rates, terms and conditions are negotiable based on the quality and quantity of the merchandise consigned. Please don't be intimidated by verbiage that you may not understand, because we don't use those selling concepts in traditional ways. It's our experience that willing buyers and sellers can almost always find a mutually-satisfying way to work it all out. And, certainly, everything we talk about with you is confidential, free of charge, and without obligation.